Torn bandages: mission service for our upcoming meeting

Looking through Together in Service (2012), I noticed an unusual option:

Torn bandage request form

You may remember tearing sheets into 3- to 4-inch strips and rolling them tightly to form simple bandages. At one time, these were an important part of the Together in Service program. They were sent to medical clinics in developing countries. However, that project has outlived its usefulness. The bandages now sit in boxes in the Brethren Service Center in Maryland, awaiting a new purpose. With that in mind, PW’s Churchwide Coordinating Team and the Brethren Service Center have made an agreement to offer the fabric strips to anyone who wants them.

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Get the new PW Manual: A Guide for PW Groups!

The PW Manual: A Guide for Groups (formerly the Presbyterian Women Manual) is now available in both print and electronic editions!.Among the advantages of the electronic edition: you pay no shipping.

You may order the print edition (item PWR16120, $6.00) from Presbyterian Distribution Service by calling toll-free 800/524-2612 or ordering online at

To order the electronic edition (item PWR16121, $6.00), please order online at (Upon purchase of the electronic edition from, you will receive an email with a link to the PDF download. The file may be saved on the purchaser’s computer.)

Stay tuned! PW Manual: A Guide for Treasurers will be available later this year as a free download from the PW website,!