PW prayer for these difficult times

(from the Presbyterian Women national Facebook page)

PW Prayer for These Times*

God of hope, because you have forgiven and freed us in Jesus Christ, and empowered us by the Holy Spirit, help us commit ourselves to: Continue reading “PW prayer for these difficult times”

Mission project for March 2018 meeting: Welcome Home bags

As your Mission Interpreter, I thought it would be good to work with a San Antonio-based mission partner since we’re meeting there. 🙂

I’ve asked Judy Harris for a recommendation, and she suggested The Center for Refugee Services ( ).  There are many refugees in San Antonio, including women from Sudan and Myanmar. And among other initiatives, the Center helps immigrant expectant and new mothers by getting them medical care, providing emotional support, and friendship before and after their babies are born. They also give them a Welcome Home Bag—which we thought would make a great collection project for us!

Continue reading “Mission project for March 2018 meeting: Welcome Home bags”

Where is Synod Gathering 2019?

Where will we be? First Presbyterian of Tulsa, Oklahoma!
Click on the below image to watch their welcome. Continue reading “Where is Synod Gathering 2019?”

“Torn bandage” box service project: craft idea

For our July 2017 meeting, I suggested we order “torn bandage” boxes from the Brethren Service Center, so that those thoughtful stewards could be relieved of their bandage-storage responsibility.

As someone who volunteers in managing collections, I think ordering the box and then tossing it blesses the Brethren Service Center mightily. I throw things away all the time, because storing them is no longer a blessing for those using the collection and frankly, there’s no further practical use for them. (Not even book resellers are interested in a devotional book from 1954. They throw them away, too.)

But I heard the struggle in many of your voices about ordering something and then just throwing it away?!?

To help with that, I’ve come up with a craft idea: DOG TUG TOYS! Continue reading ““Torn bandage” box service project: craft idea”