Torn bandages: mission service for our upcoming meeting

Looking through Together in Service (2012), I noticed an unusual option:

Torn bandage request form

You may remember tearing sheets into 3- to 4-inch strips and rolling them tightly to form simple bandages. At one time, these were an important part of the Together in Service program. They were sent to medical clinics in developing countries. However, that project has outlived its usefulness. The bandages now sit in boxes in the Brethren Service Center in Maryland, awaiting a new purpose. With that in mind, PW’s Churchwide Coordinating Team and the Brethren Service Center have made an agreement to offer the fabric strips to anyone who wants them.

Evidently Brethren Service Center is paying for storage until all this cloth is repurposed-! As recently as a year ago, Patricia Longfellow said BSC still had plenty left. 8(

Whatever you do or don’t do with them (I think throwing them away is fine!), you will be helping the Brethren Service Center get closer to repurposing space for more-current initiatives.

Please prayerfully consider this mission opportunity as part of our July 2017 meeting.

Your sister in Christ,

ps: I looked up the 2017 cost of flat-rate shipping for both box sizes, and the amounts quoted on the form will still cover both the USPS cost plus BSC handling. Naturally, if you’d wish to round up, I’m sure the Brethren Service Center will appreciate the extra.

Box of bandages from BSC warehouse

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