Are you getting your copy?

several Presbyterian Women publications displayed on a table

Sisters in PW, did you know that our nationally-serving sisters release a newsletter every quarter? Did you know that you are absolutely welcome to get a copy in your email every time a new issue is released?

Subscribe to the newsletter mailing list, and download the recent issues you may have missed, at!

2 thoughts on “Are you getting your copy?”

  1. I went to the website, but couldn’t find anything about the newsletter. I signed up for “news and updates”. Does that include the newsletter?

    1. Did you follow the link in the post? It takes you directly to the “news and updates” page, which primarily discusses the Quarterly Newsletter.
      In addition, there’s a one-sentence paragraph, “Contact Presbyterian Women to receive PW’s Quarterly Newsletter via email.”, that is also a link. If one clicks on the link, it should open up a new empty message in one’s email, addressed to Patricia Longfellow. Sending an emailed request to Patricia should get you on the emailing list for the Quarterly Newsletter.

      Hope that helps!

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